As seen above, this will be the heading for my website linking to my music magazine. it will include links for the features on the magazine, the artists you will see, previous editions of the magazine pre 2024 and all links to the social medias. Underneath, it shows the links to the magazines dating from May 2024 until the present day. The Masthead has been located centrally for my website so that my demographic can easily locate that they are on the right website and it is eye catching for them.
In addition, for my homepage of my website there will be many images that will show rappers, events and others all linking to the world of rap. This will show my audience the immense experiences you can see when attending these certain events linking to the artists so they can be promoted. For the smaller artists, they will be linked within the artists page to give them recognition for their work and hopefully gain them more attention so they can build their career up. Furthermore, there will be many uses of audios and small clips relating to the interviews for both female and male artists in the first and second edition of my magazine. This should attract my demographic into purchasing my magazine more frequently as certain interviews and clips of the artists can be relatable to the audience.